What is my purpose? Hmmm....good question. I bet you could
answer it better than I could. I guess my purpose right now is just being a
daughter, a sister, a student, and an aunt. Being an 18 year old senior in high
school doesn't come with a lot of meaningful purpose if you ask me. My purpose
is to have fun, don’t do anything too stupid, and get good grades so I can go
to a good college and get a degree in something. Being a daughter comes with
doing chores, and making my mom happy, I guess. Being a student means I need to
work hard and be responsible. I think responsibility goes along with pretty
much every part of your life. Responsibility is key in accomplishing tasks,
keeping a job, and even creating friendships.
Every time I see an adult that I know and don’t see on a
daily basis the questions are always the same, “How is being a senior? Where
are you going to college? What do you want to do with the rest of your life?” My
answers are always the same, senior year is awesome, it has been a lot of fun
so far. As for where I want to go to college I have decided to attend Northwest
Missouri State in Maryville, Missouri. My sister attended college there also
and was a Tri Sig, I plan to follow in her footsteps. Not completely and not
intentionally actually.

My mom wanted me to visit there because it is where my sister went, and my sister loved it there. So when I went I already kind of knew the campus but, I was really little when my sister went so it was kind of new at the same time. I didn’t expect to like it there so much; it just felt so nice to be there. When attending Northwest, I plan to major in Business Technology and minor in either Business Management or Business Education.

My mom wanted me to visit there because it is where my sister went, and my sister loved it there. So when I went I already kind of knew the campus but, I was really little when my sister went so it was kind of new at the same time. I didn’t expect to like it there so much; it just felt so nice to be there. When attending Northwest, I plan to major in Business Technology and minor in either Business Management or Business Education.

I feel like my purpose after college is to move back to
Aurora, I know I for sure want to live in a smaller community and why not live
where I grew up? It seems pretty logical to me, I had a great time growing up
here, the community is really expanding, and everyone here feels like family, you
get that small town fame and I want my children to have as great of a childhood
as I have had. Cities are not for me, that’s one of the main reasons I chose
Northwest also, it’s in a smaller town, not quite as small as Aurora but definitely
not as big as Lincoln or Omaha. The small towns are what I like, the country
feeling, where my kids won’t have to go far to be in the country and ride
horses, or drive a tractor, or go hunting. Everyone in the town knows you and
cares about you; in big cities you don’t get that feeling.

For most people their purpose is to
make the people around them happy, and I think that’s right, part of everyone’s
purpose is to make the ones around you happy, if you’re happy most likely you’re
making them happy, and if they’re happy they’ll make the ones around them
happy. It’s a continuous cycle that never ends. Thinking about it I realize
that if there are people around me having a bad day or just grumpy it tends to
alter my mood as well. So everyone’s purpose should be to make people happy.
I believe that people have many
different purposes. Some purposes may not even become relevant until certain
points in their life. Your purpose changes in every stage of your life. Some
say that your purposes are set from the beginning and they’re always the same.
But to me it just depends on what turns you make in life. Maybe by some freak
coincidence your end up somewhere differently one day and meet someone new,
your purpose may be to help them on the journey of their life, whether it being
getting on a straight path, or just giving them a little advice. Your purpose
that day has changed from what it was that morning. Achieving your purpose most
likely will affect the ones around you and hopefully for the better.
I’m still not completely what my
purpose is besides being me, making people happy, and going to college but, one
day I will know. And right now that’s all that matters. I don’t need to know my
whole life right now. It’s fun to have surprises. J